Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Folk Choir Unplugged: Story of an album, part 2

Editor's Note: One of our great alums, Kristen Sullivan Lynch, penned this reflection on the choir's work in Louisville. The photos below were taken by Notre Dame's superb photographer, Matt Cashore, who came down to chronicle the event. Enjoy!

It is always a joyous occasion to get a phone call from Steve. It is always something exciting and if I'm lucky, it means I get to do some great singing and praying and life is good! National NPM conferences are always fun because all the musicians gather with the same thing in mind - hearing great music and refreshing their spirits for the coming year! This year with the Notre Dame Folk Choir, something was different. This was a very special year. For the 30th Anniversary of the ND Folk Choir, "Folkheads" from many different years were gathering by plane, by car, by train, and we had 1 rehearsal concert, one rehearsal, and then the big NPM concert and recording. There was no time to be anything but focused. Everyone felt the honor and responsibility of being a part of this wonderful project and we wanted to do the very best for our fearless and wonderful leader, Steve. Over the years we have all come to know and love Karen and of course we wanted to do our very best for her as well.

The Louisville concert was charged with electricity, the venue was packed, standing room only. Our amazing sound recording artists were ready to "make the magic happen" and Steve still managed to gather us all in the Sanctuary to pray before the concert. The concert went off without a hitch and it was amazing to be surrounded by all the voices of the audience singing along with us - that is really when you feel God's love and presence all around you.

There is something about getting together with Folkheads that is unlike any other gathering. The second we begin to make music together, and Steve is directing us, we are all a strong part of God's presence and we are in love. That is the only way I can express the impact of being a part of the ND Folk Choir. No matter how many years it has been since a person has sung with the group, or if they are currently a part of it, once you open your mouth to sing, or begin playing your instrument, you are a part of the loving presence of God and it changes you forever.

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