Saturday, October 1, 2011

Dancing with the Angels

Years ago, Father Theodore Hesburgh, csc, made a comment about the choir I direct, the Notre Dame Folk Choir:  "...wherever and whenever they sing, you suspect that somehow angels may be hidden in their ranks."

Like most observations made in his long and storied life, I believe Fr. Ted's comments are right on the money.  And if they're true, then it means that I've been dancing with these angels, in and amongst the choristers and instrumentalists of the Choir, for many years.

This blog/journal/set of meditations come out of that dance.  I'll be writing about the experiences of our choir, about our creative projects, about new songs that are being crafted.  I'll be marking our exploits in monasteries and overseas.  There are new mass settings, podcasts, and a fascinating new website devoted to liturgical planning that's spreading like wildfire.  So much to write about!

Here's the first posting, written on the vigil of the Feast of the Guardian Angels.  How appropriate!  I write with the hope that these angeli, these angels, are in fact what we are meant to model:  messengers of hopeful tidings for our world.

I'd like to encourage all of you who've been part of the Choir, who've supported our efforts over the years, who've come to our concerts, or who've been following our community in Ireland, to forward these journal entries along to any other readers you think might be interested.  At last count, there were more than 500 alums that have graduated out of our humble ranks – and many of them have become liturgical leaders and innovative pastoral voices around the world.  This blog is a way to keep everyone up to date with what's going on back in the Loft.

... back in the Loft, where we continue to dance with the angels.

Keep singing all!

Steve Warner


  1. I look forward to many liturgical wanderings, Steve. Although now I only recognize about five people in the photo, I wish all of you well! Peace.

  2. Good luck with the blog, Steve, and continued blessings on your work at ND.
