Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Flying Cello

My NEXT post will be post-Mass tomorrow, because tomorrow morning the Folk Choir heads back into the Basilica after January break – except that the Basilica really won't be sounding like the Basilica you all used to know and love. That's because every stitch of carpeting has been removed, replaced by a warm, ruddy, stone-like material.

But today, I turn to the fun-loving members of the Notre Dame Folk Choir, who, like many in the Midwest, are doing their part to eke out an existence in the midst of yet another (and another, and another) polar vortex.

Yesterday, we had all of the Senior Class over to the house for an hours-long missioning and focus session. They all plowed through snow and drifts to get there – it was a lot of work to travel up to our home while the roads were really slick – but once there, everyone settled in next to the cozy fire and an exhilarating discussion ensued.

Today, however, the weather turned brutal again. Nevertheless, the choir had to report to the Basilica at 11AM for a full sound test in the new acoustic environment, sans carpeting.

One of our instrumentalists snapped this shot of our renowned cello player, Gavin, on his way to said rehearsal. Call it – dedication! Ingenuity! Dogged determination! Death wish! Chilly cello chicanery! But there he was, pedaling his way across campus while the temperature was a balmy 22ºF.

Next up? Hard to say, but the high on Monday is supposed to be 1ºF. For those of you reading this blog from across the waters, do the math. All I can tell you is, there's no more room to pitch the snow.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Woodhurst Rd, Granger, United States

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